Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pan-fried Scallops with Garlic Chili Linguine

Garlic and chili flavor the olive oil used to pan-fry succulent scallops and coat linguine tossed with arugula. A deliciously quick meal for any day of the week.

This week’s #SundaySupper theme is a challenge:  Try something new.  A technique, a new ingredient, a new ethnic cuisine.  Just something new that might be considered adventurous.  You may find this hard to believe, but I had never cooked scallops.  I was always just a little bit intimidated by their thickness and the fact that they should be just cooked, not too much, not too little, to be perfect.  Couple that with the fact that they’ve been relatively expensive everywhere I’ve lived and it was easy to justify NOT trying to cook them.  If you know what I mean.  But, thanks to our host for this week, a fellow nomad, Conni from Foodie Army Wife,  I am ready for adventure and here we go!  (And make sure you go on over to Conni’s blog and give her some love.  Spouses like Conni are the backbone of the military and I am grateful for the service of her husband and the sacrifices the whole family has made to make that service possible.)

2 cloves of garlic
1 small red chili
3-4 tablespoons olive oil
8 large scallops
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper (I actually use a three-peppercorn mix of white, black and pink, but freshly ground is key.)
8 oz or about 250g dried pasta (I prefer linguine.)
Massive handful baby arugula or rocket

Lay your scallops out on a bed of paper towels and pat dry with more paper towels.

When they are completely dry, season with a sprinkling of sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

Meanwhile, boil your pasta in lightly salted water, according to packet instructions.

Slice your garlic very thinly and chop the chili pepper.

Sauté the garlic and chili in the olive oil, just until the garlic softens.  A little color won’t hurt but you don’t want to the garlic to brown.  We are looking to flavor the oil.

Remove the garlic and chili from the pan with a slotted spoon.

When your pasta is done, drain it and then toss in a huge handful of arugula or baby spinach, if you prefer.

Add in the garlic and chili and stir.  Put the lid back on the pot to keep warm.  The greens will wilt nicely, just from the heat of the hot pasta.

Heat the pan very hot and lay the scallops to fry.  You will need a mesh cover for the pan because, no matter how dry you dried your scallops, they tend to be moist and will spit at you.

After just a couple of minutes, use some tongs to turn the scallops over.  Put the spatter guard back on because now it really goes to town.

When the second side of the scallops are a little golden, turn them back to the first side and push them to one side of the pan.  Add in the pasta and swirl it around in the garlicky, spicy, scallopy olive oil.

Sprinkle with a little more sea salt, if necessary.

Serve each plate with a pile of pasta and four scallops each.

I have to say, scallops will probably be on the menu from now on.  My husband and I both loved them!  And they really weren’t hard at all.


New Expeditions (Sides, Starters & Staples)

Grand Quests (Main Dishes)

Escapades (Sweet Treats & Spirited Companions)
