
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pimm's No.1 Cup - Guest post for Hungry Couple


Happy Wednesday, lovely people!  Today I am mixing cocktails in New York City.  Okay, not actually, but virtually.  The funny and talented Anita from Hungry Couple NYC is off to Maine on holiday this week with her husband and furry sous chef and I am guest posting over at her place.  Anita is known throughout the blogosphere for making fabulous cocktails.  In fact, she has an entire section of her blog devoted to fancy and delicious libations.  So when I agreed to write a guest post, I knew a pretty drink would be most appropriate.  I’ve made a British classic, the Pimm’s No. 1 Cup, as taught to me 25 years ago by our dear friend, David Sutton - sailing boat captain, raconteur, gentleman, engineer and all-around good guy, despite being English.  Or perhaps because he's English.  On this blog, when you hear me speak of sailing in Abu Dhabi or you see photos of sailboats, you can bet that David is involved.  Much to our delight.

Head on over to Hungry Couple to see how you, too, can enjoy this delightful beverage.  I’m mixing one up for you right now!


  1. I´ve always wanted to make a pim´s cup, though I never even tasted one! They look like something I would definitely like Stacy!

  2. It has all the cooling stuff. I need to try the Pimms...I always sailed with grog

  3. Grog, you say, Pamela? Now I am going to have to look that up! And I hope you do try Pimm's. It's very refreshing!

  4. Can you buy it in Buenos Aires, Paula? I know the British aren't the most popular folks there. :) If so, you really should try it!

  5. There´s quite a big british community here! but I never looked for it really. I will though.

  6. Bet you could, my friend. And I wish I could be there to make you one.

  7. Cocktails are the one thing I almost never think to make! Off to check out your recipe!

  8. We mix them up all the time but I never think to post them either, Joanne. I think I have two cocktails in all of my 300+ posts. I need to get better at that!

  9. I've been sipping these all summer during 8 weeks of blissful warm weather in the UK.

  10. It was a spectacularly warm summer this year, Sally. I am so glad that you were there to enjoy it.


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