Sunday, August 4, 2024

Herby Peach Fig Feta Salad

Ripe summer peaches and sweet figs are the stars of this herby peach fig feta salad with the salty cheese and fresh herbs as fabulous counterpoints.

Food Lust People Love: Ripe summer peaches and sweet figs are the stars of this herby peach fig feta salad with the salty cheese and fresh herbs as fabulous counterpoints.

I’ve no doubt mentioned this before but when I was growing up, both of my grandmothers had immense fig trees in their backyards. I’d climb up high, get comfortable and snack till my heart’s content. So much warm, ripe fruit within my reach! Summertime’s best treat.

Now that we spend most summers in the Channel Islands, figs are much harder to come by. Occasionally my local grocery store will have a few imported packs at an exorbitant price and I will succumb to the temptation and buy them. 

Last week, I got lucky! The figs were marked down but still looked in perfect condition. I knew I had to add them to this delicious peach salad I had planned.

Herby Peach Fig Feta Salad

All of the above brings me to my point: If you don’t have fresh figs, you can make this salad with just peaches. Or nectarines. Or even sweet plums. I encourage you to buy feta in a block and crumble your own. Already crumbled feta is drier and, in my opinion, less flavorful. 

2 sprigs basil
2 green onions
4-5 sprigs cilantro
2 sprigs mint
1 small baby cos or little gem lettuce
2 ripe peaches
4-5 ripe figs
4 oz or 113g feta cheese, crumbled
1/4 cup or 60ml olive oil
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
1 teaspoon honey
Freshly ground black pepper

Remove and discard the hard stems from the basil, cilantro and mint. Roughly chop the leaves and tender stems.

Cut the lettuce into skinny wedges and arrange them on a serving plate.

Remove the pits and cut the peaches into wedges. 

Cut the hard stems off of the figs and quarter them.

In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, honey and a few good grinds of black pepper. 

Add in half of the crumbled feta and stir to combine. Put half of the chopped herbs into the dressing and stir again. 

Arrange the peaches and figs on the lettuce. 

Spoon over the dressing. 

Food Lust People Love: Ripe summer peaches and sweet figs are the stars of this herby peach fig feta salad with the salty cheese and fresh herbs as fabulous counterpoints.

Top with the rest of the herbs and feta, with another couple of generous grinds of black pepper. 

Food Lust People Love: Ripe summer peaches and sweet figs are the stars of this herby peach fig feta salad with the salty cheese and fresh herbs as fabulous counterpoints.


It’s Sunday FunDay and in honor of National Peaches Month, we are sharing recipes with that fuzzy fruit. Many thanks to our hosts, Sue of Palatable Pastime and Wendy of A Day in the Life on the Farm. Check out the links below.

We are a group of food bloggers who believe that Sunday should be a family fun day, so every Sunday we share recipes that will help you to enjoy your day. If you're a blogger interested in joining us, just visit our Facebook group and request to join.

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Food Lust People Love: Ripe summer peaches and sweet figs are the stars of this herby peach fig feta salad with the salty cheese and fresh herbs as fabulous counterpoints.


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