Monday, August 26, 2024

Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins #MuffinMonday

Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins celebrate the best of fresh raspberry season with a wonderfully subtle tang, perfect for brunch, breakfast or snack.

Food Lust People Love: Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins celebrate the best of fresh raspberry season with a wonderfully subtle tang, perfect for brunch, breakfast or snack.

Welcome to the last Muffin Monday of summer! In the blink of an eye, it will be September then on to Autumn fruit and vegetables so I thought I’d use fresh raspberries this month as a sort of a last hurrah. 

More reasonably priced cherries, peaches, nectarines, raspberries and strawberries are the best part of summer. If I can get fresh figs, I am over the moon because that doesn’t happy very often these days. 

Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins

This recipe makes 6 or 7 normal sized muffins. When I bake the batter in a 6-cup muffin pan, it makes six. If I use my silicon liners, as you can see, it makes seven. 

5 1/3 oz or 150g fresh raspberries
1 cup or 125g flour
1/2 cup or 100g sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 oz or 56g cream cheese, softened
2 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled, plus extra for the pan
1 large egg, at room temperature
1/4 cup or 60ml milk, at room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Optional for decorating: Pearl sugar

Preheat oven to 350°F or 180°C. Prepare your 6-cup muffin pan by buttering it or lining it with muffin cups. 

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together your flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.

Set aside six or seven raspberries to top the muffins and cut the rest in half. 

Tip the halved raspberries into the dry ingredients and stir till they are well coated with the flour. Set aside.

In a medium bowl, mash the cream cheese with a fork, then pour in the cool, melted butter. Use the fork to mix the cream cheese and butter together until you have a mixture that looks like small soft curds.

Add in the egg, milk and vanilla and whisk until well combined. There will still be some tiny lumps of cream cheese.

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and fold until they are just combined.

Divide the batter between the muffin cups in your prepared pan. Top with the reserved raspberries and a good sprinkling of pearl sugar, if using.

Bake in your preheated oven for 20-25 minutes or until the muffins are golden all around the edges and a toothpick comes out clean.

Cool in the pan for a few minutes, then remove the muffins and cool on a wire rack. These can be served warm or room temperature.

Food Lust People Love: Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins celebrate the best of fresh raspberry season with a wonderfully subtle tang, perfect for brunch, breakfast or snack.


It’s Muffin Monday, the last Monday of the month. Check out all the lovely muffin recipes my friends and I are sharing today. 

#MuffinMonday is a group of muffin loving bakers who get together once a month to bake muffins. You can see all of our lovely muffins by following our Pinterest board. Updated links for all of our past events and more information about Muffin Monday can be found on our home page.

Pin these Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins!

Food Lust People Love: Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins celebrate the best of fresh raspberry season with a wonderfully subtle tang, perfect for brunch, breakfast or snack.


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