Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuscan Kale Pistachio Pesto

This Tuscan kale pistachio pesto is rich, nutty and fresh. It goes exceedingly well with my rich and creamy leek and lobster mushroom risotto. (Recipe coming tomorrow!) Or use it as you would any pesto, stirred through pasta or as a spread or dip for flatbread. 

Food Lust People Love: This Tuscan kale pistachio pesto is rich, nutty and fresh. It goes exceedingly well with my rich and creamy leek and lobster mushroom risotto. Or use it as you would any pesto, stirred through pasta or as a spread or dip for flatbread.

I originally made this pesto to go with the above referenced risotto, both adapted from recipes I found in delicious magazine’s March 2022 issue, but I have since made it more than once because we loved it so much. 

The pistachios are a tasty, nutty green change from traditional beige pine nuts and who doesn’t feel virtuous eating kale? 

Tuscan Kale Pistachio Pesto

You could use curly kale for this recipe but I love the color and flavor of its dark leafed brother, Tuscan kale or cavolo nero. In my local grocery store, I only find it in the organic section so occasionally I splurge and buy some. 

Large bunch curly kale or cavolo nero (Mine weighed 186g or 6 1/2 ozs)
1 3/4 oz or 50g shelled pistachios 
1 3/4 oz or 50g Parmesan, finely grated
Finely grated zest and juice 1 lemon
2/3 cup or 100ml good quality olive oil
Fine sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Remove and discard the woody center ribs and stems of the kale. Chop the leaves roughly. 

Put the kale in a small food processor with half the oil and process until the kale is finely chopped. 

Add in the pistachios and process again. 

Finally, add in the Parmesan, lemon juice, lemon zest and process again, adding a little more oil, if necessary. 

Stir in the remaining olive oil, then season with salt and pepper as needed.

Enjoy as a topping for your favorite risotto or pasta. 

Pin this Tuscan Kale Pistachio Pesto!

Food Lust People Love: This Tuscan kale pistachio pesto is rich, nutty and fresh. It goes exceedingly well with my rich and creamy leek and lobster mushroom risotto. Or use it as you would any pesto, stirred through pasta or as a spread or dip for flatbread.


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