This blog is primarily about food. Buying it, cooking it, eating it and sharing it with friends and family. It is also secondarily about living an expat life. Because being an expat is my life and colors everything I buy and cook and eat, and also with whom I share that food. I started this blog at the instigation of my daughters who probably thought Mommy needed something to do in her empty nest but the truth is that I have always cooked and I have always written, just not necessarily about cooking. For years I have ghost-written persuasive letters for friends, news articles for more than one PTA president, edited campaign speeches for one potential School Board candidate and once I even helped with a talk a dear friend gave in aid of the Malaysian Cancer Society about her triumphant battle with ovarian cancer. If I can wring a few tears (and possibly a donation) out of you, my work is done. :) For several years I wrote a monthly “letter from the editor” in my role at the American Association of Malaysia’s magazine, the KL American. This gave me an opportunity to share a bit of
myself and also direct members’ attention to the parts of the magazine I really
wanted them to notice. Even as part of
the ISKL PTA executive committee for several years, and being in charge of SAS Booster Club
publicity, I now realize that persuasive writing was at the heart of most
projects because that is the way you get people to step up and help or respond
to a need. And, of course, all this
time, I was in the kitchen having the best time preparing meals and decorating
fancy cakes (with the help of my friend, Gillian) or traveling the world and
scoping out the markets and grocery stores.
But my most important job – the only job that really matters
- has been right here at home, as an expat, wherever that may be, encouraging
my daughters to live their lives to the fullest and to grow from (and despite)
the moves we make and the friends we leave behind and the challenges of new
My elder daughter was with us for this Fathers’ Day weekend
and when she headed back north to her internship/job for the summer, she left
behind a surprise gift for me on my bedside table. I’d like to celebrate today with an unusual
post - because today is the first anniversary of the first post on my blog, a
birthday of sorts - by sharing that gift with you instead of a recipe. For all of you out there in expat land,
wondering if you are helping or harming your children with this life, I will
tell you only what Victoria responded when I asked her if we had done the right
thing, “You did.” It doesn’t get simpler
than that. And here is the proof
and confirmation. The best gift ever.
© Victoria Rushton Click on her name to see her website. Totally talented and I am not even biased. :)
With this blog, my cooking and writing come together and my
goal is two-fold: 1. To get you in the kitchen cooking, and 2. To
connect with fellow expats and friends who share my experiences. Thank you, to all my friends, new and old,
who have graciously allowed me in your lives with my blog posts, written me
great comments, tried my recipes and spread the love. I am grateful. It’s been a great year.